Some times I dislike how fate got to put us through all the bad times in life. I understand that everyone needs to have their ups and downs here and there in life, but there are some that don't deserve so much "downs". There are people that does nothing bad in their whole life and yet fate got to be so cruel and make their lives a total wreck while the ones that are going around destroying people's peace gets to have a much better treatment instead. Why do life have to be so unfair?
My boy here ain't exactly a total angel but he definitely ain't a devil either. I wish fate would allow him to recover as soon as possible because I want to be selfish and spend time with him alone. I'm also sure as hell that his family, relatives and friends all missed his cheeky and healthy self back. It hurts and pains to see him being always so weak and tired. School's starting in a few more days and I'm worried about him having trouble dealing with his lessons. If only I had an insight on what fate have got for him..